British Holidaymakers Can No Longer Obtain E-Visas Upon Arrival in Turkey.
British citizens wishing to visit Turkey for holidays or business will no longer be able to obtain their e-visas upon arrival. Starting Monday, October 19, every Briton will have to present a printed e-visa, obtained previously, when they arrive at the Turkish port of entry.
So far, no British holidaymakers heading to Turkey troubled about a visa. The country straddling Eastern Europe and western Asia accepted e-visas obtained upon arrival at Turkish airports or in designated Wi-Fi areas. However, from now on Turkey is changing the way visas are purchased.
The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) warn travelers to Turkey, to obtain their e-visas before their trip.
“From 29 October 2018, self-service e-Visa kiosks and Wi-Fi areas where visitors can apply for an e-Visa on arrival will no longer be available in Turkish airports – you must apply for your e-Visa before you travel,” the FCO announces in its Travel Advice section, in the official government website.
An e-visa to Turkey costs £15.50 and British citizens can apply for it three months before their trip. After the processing of their application, they get their e-visa on email. The e-visa should be printed and presented to the Turkish border guards. It is valid for up to 90 days, within a 6-month period.
The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office also warns citizens of the United Kingdom to be careful of unauthorized websites which charge applicants with multiple times higher fees to apply for an e-visa.
“These websites are not endorsed by or associated with the Turkish government. Be aware of such sites and businesses, particularly those that seek additional fees for other services. Some unauthorized websites have also issued fake e-Visas,” the Travel Advice reads further.
Turkey remains a favorite destination for British citizens wishing to spend their holidays overseas. Data published by Turkey’s Tourism Ministry show that the Britons were the fifth national group of tourists in Turkey in 2017, with around 38 thousand visitors.