UK Home Secretary: UK May Never Introduce Post-brexit Visa Regime With EU.
The UK Home Secretary Sajid Javid has told to the Home Affairs Select Committee that the UK may never introduce a visa regime for EU citizens, even after Brexit finalizes on March 29, 2019.
Despite giving such a statement, which caused fury among the ministers, Home Secretary Javid also claimed that free movement would “totally” end, still adding that the UK may drop demands for visas in the hope of a better trade deal.
He also gave clear hints that the net migration target set by Theresa May would be scrapped in another attempt to win another mandate during the elections, adding in front of the Select Committee that the target of reducing net migration to the “tens of thousands” was an “ambition for this Parliament”. The statement caused fury among the ministers.
At the same time, the Environment Secretary Michael Gove refused to answer in a TV interview, when asked whether there will be a system introduced for EU nationals.
“It will be up to us to decide what our immigration policy is,” he answered.
However, Tory chairman Brandon Lewis insists that the freedom of movement for EU nationals to enter Britain visa-free ends the day Britain leaves the EU.
“Freedom of movement – that freedom to come and live here and work here from the EU for 12 months or more which is immigration – ends when we leave the European Union,” he said.
EU’s Not Going to Give Britain Everything It Wants in Deal
The UK Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney is quite convinced that Britain will not be able to get away with everything it wants, once it finally leaves the EU. According to him, UK-EU negotiations will not be easy at all, and the two sides are “far from a done deal”.
Still, Environment Secretary Michael Gove believes that at least Britain will have a free trade agreement between the EU and the UK that will work in the interest of business.
“We will no longer have the European Court of Justice having direct control of what happens in this country. And we will no longer have membership of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. So all of these structures, we are outside, that is what people voted for, This honors that vote,” Gove said.
May’s 100,000 Net Migration
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Theresa May, promised before the 2017 elections that she would bring the net migration, which is the difference between the number of people who move to UK and the number of those who leave per year, below 100 thousand per year if she would win the general election, what she did. The net migration of 100 thousand was initially proposed by former PM David Cameron.