Visa Requirements for UK Citizens.
UK citizens own one of the world’s most powerful passports, empowering them to easily visit about 186 countries without a visa taken beforehand. In 2017, Britons made around 72.8 million visits abroad, where 46.6 million were holiday visits, 17.6 million were family and friends visits and 6.8 million were for business purposes. When compared to 2016, an increase of 4% is discerned as regards holiday travels abroad and 6% of travels made to meet relatives and friends living outside the UK.
Each time expecting to make a trip to any of the 225 foreign countries and territories, make sure you recognize what the requirements to enter a particular country with your British passport are. The authorities in the overseas country that you’re visiting are empowered to decide and enforce different entry requirements towards citizens of any foreign country.
Visa Free Countries for UK Citizens
For many abroad destinations, you as a Briton will not need any authorization such as a visa. And so, traveling to any of these countries is easier and quicker. You won’t need to make a visa application while worrying about collecting visa documents beforehand traveling anyplace there. All you’ll need to take is a valid British passport and sufficient money to spend on your accommodation, living in a foreign place.
The list of 137 countries where you can travel just with your British passport:
Australia* | Canada* | USA* |
Albania | American Samoa | Andorra |
Anguilla | Antigua and Barbuda | Argentina |
Armenia | Aruba | Austria |
Bahamas | Barbados | Belarus |
Belgium | Belize | Bermuda |
Bolivia | Bonaire | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Botswana | Brazil | British Virgin Islands |
Brunei | Bulgaria | Cayman Islands |
Chile | Colombia | Cook Islands |
Costa Rica | Croatia | Curacao |
Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark |
Dominica | Dominican Republic | Ecuador |
El Salvador | Estonia | Falkland Islands |
Faroe Islands | Fiji | Finland |
France | French Guiana | French Polynesia |
French West Indies | Gambia | Georgia |
Germany | Gibraltar | Greece |
Greenland | Grenada | Guam |
Guatemala | Guyana | Haiti |
Honduras | Hong Kong | Hungary |
Iceland | Indonesia | Ireland |
Israel | Italy | Jamaica |
Japan | Kazakhstan | Kiribati |
Kosovo | Kyrgyzstan | Latvia |
Lesotho | Liechtenstein | Lithuania |
Luxembourg | Macao | Macedonia (FYROM) |
Malaysia | Malta | Marshall Islands |
Mauritius | Mayotte | Mexico |
Micronesia | Moldova | Monaco |
Montenegro | Montserrat | Morocco |
Namibia | Netherlands | New Caledonia |
New Zealand | Nicaragua | Niue |
Northern Mariana Islands | Norway | Palestinian Territory |
Panama | Paraguay | Peru |
Philippines | Poland | Portugal |
Qatar | Reunion | Romania |
San Marino | Sao Tome and Principe | Senegal |
Serbia | Singapore | Slovakia |
Slovenia | South Africa | South Korea |
Spain | St. Eustatius and Saba | St. Kitts and Nevis |
St. Lucia | St. Maarten | St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
Swaziland | Sweden | Switzerland |
Taiwan | Thailand | Trinidad and Tobago |
Turks and Caicos Islands | Ukraine | Uruguay |
Vanuatu | Vatican City | Venezuela |
Vietnam |
*UK citizens are required to apply for Electronic Authorizations such as ESTA for the USA and ETa for Canada and Australia to travel to these countries.
UK Citizens Travelling to Europe After BREXIT
The European Commission has decided that UK nationals should not fall under the Schengen visa regime, after the United Kingdom leaves the European Union at the end of March 2019. Once ETIAS is launched in 2021 UK citizens will need to apply for it to travel to Europe.
Visa on Arrival for UK Citizens
This approval is converted by customs and border staff into a traditional visa on arrival, at the borders of the country, i.e. Airport.
The 28 countries to be listed below issue visas on arrival when UK citizens have prior visa approval:
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Benin
- Burkina Faso
- Cambodia
- Cape Verde Islands
- Comoros Islands
- Jordan
- Kuwait
- Laos
- Lebanon
- Maldives
- Nepal
- Oman
- Palau Islands
- Papua New Guinea
- Samoa
- Solomon Islands
- Sri Lanka
- Suriname
- Tajikistan
- Timor-Leste
- Togo
- Tonga
- Tuvalu
- Uganda
- United Arab Emirates
- Zimbabwe
E-visa for UK citizens
To travel towards any of the listed 5 countries, as a British citizen, you must get an e-Visa beforehand:
- Azerbaijan
- India
- Myanmar
- Nigeria
- Turkey
The procedure of applying for an electronic visa is quite simple compared to the customary visa and the decision is usually taken in one business day.
Note: From the fact that everyone’s circumstances are unique, if you believe that you make a specific case of an application or you need more information on your eligibility and requirements to enter into a particular foreign state or territory, the ultimate information may be taken at the nearest Embassy or Consulate of such state or territory.
Countries With Visa Regimes Towards UK Citizens
The vast majority of countries have abolished the visa regime for UK nationals. Still, in 2018, as a Briton, you need a visa taken beforehand for traveling to about 36 world countries. And so, you will be subjected to go through an application to require a visa for your intended travel. Visa requirements are not similar in all countries as every country has its unique entry policies and requirements for foreigners entering there.
There are 36 countries where you as a British citizen, need a visa to visit them, as follows:
Afghanistan | Bhutan | China |
Mongolia | North Korea | Pakistan |
Turkmenistan | Uzbekistan | Russian Federation |
Algeria | Angola | Burundi |
Cameroon | Central African Republic | Chad |
Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Congo (Rep.) | Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) |
Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea | Ghana |
Guinea | Liberia | Libya |
Mali | Niger | Sierra Leone |
South Sudan | Sudan | Nauru |
Cuba | Iran | Iraq |
Saudi Arabia | Syria | Yemen |
Vaccination Requirements for UK Citizens Travelling Abroad
The World Health Organization (WHO) has listed some countries at risk of yellow fever transmission. Due to that, whenever traveling in or through any of such yellow fever-risk countries toward your final foreign destination, you must hold a yellow card. The Carte Jaune or Yellow Card is an international certificate of vaccination issued by WHO, showing you don’t represent a danger of transmitting yellow fever.
The yellow card for all nationalities, as of 11 July 2016, has become valid for the entire life of the vaccinated individual.
You are required to present the yellow card at the borders, whenever traveling towards any of the listed 41 countries with a risk of yellow fever transmission:
Angola | Argentina | Benin |
Bolivia | Brazil | Burkina Faso |
Burundi | Cameroon | Central African Republic |
Chad | Colombia | Congo |
Côte d’Ivoire | DR of Congo | Ecuador |
Equatorial Guinea | Ethiopia | French Guiana |
Gabon | Gambia | Ghana |
Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Guyana |
Kenya | Liberia | Mali |
Mauritania | Niger | Panama |
Paraguay | Peru | Senegal |
Sierra Leone | South Sudan | Sudan |
Suriname | Togo | Trinidad and Tobago |
Uganda | Venezuela |
You must provide the yellow card at the borders, whenever traveling towards the listed countries from the yellow fever-risk countries:
- Afghanistan***
- Albania*
- Algeria*
- Antigua and Barbuda*
- Aruba***
- Australia*
- Bahamas*
- Bahrain***
- Bangladesh*
- Barbados*
- Belize*
- Bhutan
- Bonaire***
- Botswana*
- Brunei Darussalam***
- Cabo Verde*
- Cambodia*
- China***
- Christmas Island*
- Costa Rica***
- Cuba***
- Curaçao***
- Democratic People’s Republic of Korea*
- Djibouti*
- Dominica*
- Egypt***
- El Salvador*
- Eritrea***
- Fiji*
- French Polynesia*
- Grenada*
- Guadeloupe*
- Guatemala*
- Haiti*
- Honduras*
- India***
- Indonesia***
- Iran (Islamic Republic of)***
- Iraq***
- Jamaica*
- Jordan*
- Kiribat*
- Kyrgyzstan*
- Lao People’s Democratic Republic
- Lesotho**
- Libya*
- Madagascar***
- Malawi*
- Malaysia*
- Maldives*
- Malta***
- Martinique*
- Mauritius*
- Mayotte*
- Montserrat*
- Mozambique***
- Myanmar*
- Namibia***
- Nauru*
- Nepal*
- New Caledonia*
- Nicaragua*
- Niue***
- Oman***
- Pakistan*
- Philippines*
- Pitcairn Islands*
- Réunion*
- Rwanda*
- Saint Barthélemy*
- Saint Helena*
- Saint Kitts and Nevi*
- Saint Lucia***
- Saint Martin*
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines*
- Samoa*
- São Tomé and Príncipe*
- Saudi Arabia*
- Seychelles*
- Singapore*
- Sint Eustatius**
- Sint Maarten**
- Solomon Islands
- Somalia***
- South Africa*
- Sri Lanka***
- Swaziland***
- Thailand***
- Timor Leste*
- Tristan da Cunha**
- Wallis and Futuna*
- Zambia*
- Zimbabwe***
*people of ages 1 and older
**people of ages 6 and older
***people of ages 9 and older
Fingerprints Before Entering
If you travel to certain foreign countries, you must provide your fingerprints at the borders. Such countries are Argentina, Brunei, Cambodia, Japan, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and South Korea.
Entry and Departure Taxes
There are countries that charge taxes for travelers entering or departing their country. These fees are included in your travel ticket or you need to pay them separately. Payment is done in cash or bank cards.
Here are the 32 countries charging border-crossing and other taxes for travelers:
There is a payable departure tax of $15.00 (US or Bahamian Dollars) whenever leaving this country.
There is a payable airside departure tax is BZD$111 or US$50, and landside departure tax is BZD$40 or US$20 whenever leaving the country.
British Virgin Islands
There is a payable airside departure tax of US$15 and a security fee of US$5, a seaside departure tax of US$15 when you leave the country. Also, there is an airside/seaside/landside environmental and tourism tax of US$10 when you arrive there.
Central African Republic
There is a payable departure tax of 10,000 when leaving the country through Bangui Airport on international flights.
There is an airside departure fee, but you need to check if it is included in the price of your travel ticket or if you need to pay it separately.
Costa Rica
There is a payable airside departure tax of $29.
There is an airside departure tax of 25 Cuban convertible pesos (CUCs).
Democratic Republic of the Congo
There is a departure tax of $50 plus a fee of 5,000 Congolese France (for international flights) and $10 (for national flights).
There is a payable departure tax of 59 East Caribbean Dollars (or US$23) (if you are of age 12 or older).
Dominican Republic
There is a departure tax of US$20.
Falkland Islands
There is a payable £22 departure tax.
There is a payable US$30 (or Quetzal equivalent) airside departure tax.
There is a payable US$55 departure tax on international flights.
There is a payable landside departure and entry tax of US$3. Also, there is an airside departure tax of US$47.59 (or Lempira equivalent) on international flights and of US$2 (or Lempira equivalent) on domestic flights.
There is an airside payable user development fee (UDF) of Rs. 1,000 on international flights and Rs.150 to 260 on domestic flights.
There is an airside payable departure tax, which may or may not be included in your flight ticket.
There is an airside departure tax of US $35. Also, there is an arrival and seaside tax, which and usually all of them are included in the price of your travel ticket.
There is a payable departure tax of AU$20.
There is a payable airside security tax usually included in the travel ticket.
Marshall Islands
There is an airside payable departure tax of $20.
There is an airside and landside departure fee whenever leaving Mexico.
There is an embarkation tax of EC$25 for residents or EC$45 for non-residents whenever leaving the country. Also, there is a travel security fee of EC$10 for everyone leaving the country through the John A Osborne Airport and ferry port.
There is an arrival tax of US$10 and a departure tax of US$35.
There is a payable departure tax of US$20 as well as an environmental tax of US$30.
There is a payable airport departure fee of US$40.
There is a payable airport departure fee of 750 pesos when leaving the country through the Cebu Mactan Airport.
There is a payable departure tax of $ST 40 for all travelers older than 11.
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
There is a payable visitor fee of £125 applying to visitors who stay for up to 72 hours in their territory. For those staying from 72 up to 1 month, there is a fee up to £205.
St Kitts and Nevis
There is a departure tax which is included in the travel ticket.
St Vincent and the Grenadines
There is a departure tax which is included in the travel ticket.
St. Lucia
There is a departure tax which is included in the travel ticket.
There is a departure tax of $66 or €52.
Your Previous Travel
There are countries where you cannot go if you have previously entered/departed to/from another specific country.
Here is a list of 12 countries where you cannot go if you have previously traveled to a particular country:
You cannot enter Sudan if you have any entry or departure stamp of Israel.
Entering into Syria is impossible if you have any entry or departure stamp of Israel.
United Arab Emirates
You may not be allowed to enter to work in the UAE if you have any visa or entry/exit stamps of Israel in your passport.
Saudi Arabia
You may be banned from entering the country if you have any visa or stamp in your passport from Israel, or if you are born in Israel.
You can be denied entering the country if you have any stamp on your passport from the Republic of Kosovo.
The Palestinian Territories
You may be subject to questioning at the border crossing from Israeli authorities if your passport has evidence of any previous travel to other regional countries.
Your entry in this country may be denied if you have in your passport, a visa, or an entry/exit stamp of Israel.
You will be denied entering Libya if you have previously traveled to Israel.
You may be banned from entering the country if you have any visa or stamp in your passport from Israel, or if you are born in Israel.
You may be banned from entering the country if you have any visa or stamp in your passport from Israel, or if you are born in Israel.
You may be denied entry there if your passport contains a border-crossing stamp or visa of Israel.
You may be banned from entering the country if you have a visa or entry/exit stamp of Israel on your passport.
Registration Upon Arrival
When entering some world countries, you must register yourself in the first days of arriving. The registration is to locate you, during your stay in such a foreign country. Not getting registered within the required deadline, you may be fined, face difficulties leaving the country, be persecuted, and even be arrested.
Here is a list of 18 countries with mandatory registration requirements for foreigners entering their territory:
If you are staying more than 5 days there, you must register with the local police office. This can be organized by the hotel/host where you’re accommodated in.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
In 72 hours of entering, you need to register with the local police office. This can be arranged by the hotel. If you are staying more than 90 days there you need to apply to the Border Police for a residence permit. Despite the passport, you must have a report from the UK police showing you have a clear criminal record.
You will not need to register for stays of less than 3 months. Registration at the German registration office is required within 3 months of entering the country if you want to study or work there.
You need to register yourself as soon as entering the country. Your hotel staff will register you when checking if you will be accommodated in a hotel room. You will get a fine of Rp 5 million if you don’t comply with this requirement.
If you are staying more than 90 days there, you must register with the Department for Visas and Registration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
If you are staying more than 60 days there, you need to register in 5 days of arriving there with the State Registration Service.
In 7 days of arriving there, you must register with the local police office. This can be arranged by the hotel or travel agency.
If you are staying over 3 months you must apply for a residence permit in the first days of your arrival. The application must be made with the Migration Department under the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Lithuania.
In 2 days from entering the country, you must register yourself with the local police. If you are staying in the hotel, you will be automatically registered by hotel staff when checking in. You may be charged 600-1000 Euros if you don’t comply with this requirement, or get a court hearing, you may even get restricted from entering again the country.
If you have entered by land this country via the Transnistria segment from Ukraine, you will be granted a registration document instead of an entry stamp at the borders. If you enter the country by train, you will not undergo border control nor be issued an entry stamp in the passport. You need in this case 3 days to register at the Bureau for Migration and Asylum in Chisinau. To register, send your passport and the evidence of travel.
You need to register within 1 week of entering the country with the Mongolian Immigration Agency in Ulaanbaatar if you are staying over 30 days there, or if you have entered there without a visa. After registration, you will get a Mongolian residence permit with your credentials included, including photographs and fingerprints. You must get an exit visa from the same agency when you leave the country if you have been there for more than 90 days.
In 2 days of arriving there, you must register with the local police/tourist organization. You don’t need to register if staying in a hotel room.
You have to register with the police within 2 days of entering the country. If you are staying at the hotel, you will be registered by checking in. If staying by other accommodation means, you have to register yourself at the local police department.
When entering the country for a long-term stay you must register with the police in 3 days from entering the country. To register, send your passport, two recently made photographs, and evidence of your accommodation there. You can apply for a Slovak residence card if you want to confirm your ID instead of a passport, during your stay there.
For stays over 3 months there you need to register with the Foreigners’ Office or at the local police station.
You must register in 3 days of entering the country with the State Migration Service. You need to pay a $14 migration fee. You have to provide two recently made photographs and a letter of intention to leave the country.
You must register within 3 days of your arrival with the Department of Foreign Travel and Exit. When staying in a hotel/private house, the hotel staff/the host will complete the registration form send your passport to the authorities, and return it. When you move to another city, you have to register again within 3 days of entering such country. You must give a list of all locations you have stayed in Uzbekistan, at the moment you leave the country.
You must give your passport to the hotel staff to register you with the local police. If you are staying in a private house the host will have to register you.
Countries with special requirements for foreigners
Some countries have special entry, residence, and departure requirements for foreign people entering there, not excluding British citizens.
The list of 25 countries with special requirements for foreign people:
You may not be allowed to enter the country if you don’t show evidence of onward travel plans (out of the country).
Your exit from Bahrain might be denied if you are involved in legal proceedings, have any owing debt, are banned from travel, have overstayed there, or similarly.
You cannot enter or leave the country through countries such as Phuntsoling, Samdrup Jongkhar, Gelephug (by road), or Paro (by air).
When you enter Burma through Tachilek, KawThoung, Myawaddy, or Htee Khee-Sunaron border crossings you can leave through Rangoon or Mandalay International Airport. If you enter through the Muse or Tamu border crossing you must leave through the same route from which you arrived there. If you intend to travel to Thailand you must check beforehand for requirements and authorizations.
You need to get a Chinese visa at the China border if you are entering through Macao. You must get a double or multiple-entry visa if you are also leaving China through Macao and re-entering China via the same route.
If you are entering Denmark through a German border crossing you may be subjected to undergo passport control at the borders.
If you hold an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card you won’t need an Indian visa to enter, stay there, and leave the country.
You must extend your visa within 10 days of arriving there. Otherwise, you must get an exit stamp, and leave the country immediately.
When entering the country by landside via Ukraine use an internationally recognized border in the north and south of the country. When entering through the internal border between Transnistria and Moldova you won’t be required to undergo immigration control. Still, when entering Transnistria you must complete two migration card copies, one of which you shall need to exit the country.
You cannot enter this country through the Algerian border, as it is closed. Use an alternative route instead. You must enter through a recognized port if you are entering by boat.
This country as a part of the CA-4 agreement (Central America Border Control Agreement) allows British people to enter and stay there and in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala for 90 days without any border-crossing formality. You may get fine if overstaying in any of the CA-4 regions.
You may be delayed entering through the Yemen border there, if you don’t have evidence of onward travel (out of the country), proof of accommodation, or health insurance.
If you possess a National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP) or Smart National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (SNICOP), you won’t need a visa to enter or stay in this country without any time restriction.
If you are traveling on a cruise or ferry organized tour by licensed companies you can remain in Russia for 72 hours without needing a visa. You can travel on such an organized trip to St Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Vladivostok, Sochi, Vyborg, Korsakov (Sakhalin Island), and Novorossiysk. Every time entering Russia you will have to sign two copies of an Immigration Card, one of which you will need to get a hotel room and exit the country. When entering/leaving Russia from/to Belarus you will undergo immigration control. You may need a transit visa for transiting Russia by air to/from Belarus. When driving to Russia you must not enter through the border with Belarus. For traveling to Russia through the Belarus border by train you are advised to get the prior counsel of travel agencies or the Russian Embassy beforehand.
Saudi Arabia
You may be delayed or denied to enter the country or to make onward travel if you don’t have a sponsor on the arrival and you are a female.
South Korea
You may be accountable for military service if you are traveling with a British passport, but you are a male of Korean origin and your name is listed on the Korean family register.
If you are entering Sweden through Denmark border crossing you may be subjected to undergo passport control at the borders.
When visiting zones in Khatlon Region nearby Afghanistan you must apply beforehand your travel for a permit with the Consular Department under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Dushanbe. Additionally, you must get a three-day validity re-entry visa beforehand your travel to Tajikistan in case you will be returning to Russia, Kazakhstan, or Uzbekistan. You must get a long-term Tajikistan visa with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Intourist Tajikistan if you will be staying for longer periods.
Before traveling to Thailand through Laos or Malaysia make sure to check beforehand about the requirements and authorizations you need.
The Palestinian Territories
OPTs are territories under the administration of Israelis. You will need your British passport and immigration slip to enter OPTs through Israel and vice-versa. You may get imprisoned and deported if entering Gaza if you don’t have the required authorization. Your entrance may be denied if you intend to work in the OPTs.
United States of America
You must have applied through and received the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) before your travel if you are staying there for up to 90 days. When entering the US from Cuba, you must have with you supporting evidence of the reason for traveling to Cuba.
When entering the country, you may need to show evidence of having enough money to cover the costs of living and accommodation during your stay there. This can be proven by cash, bank statements, booked accommodation, sponsorship letters, paid round-trip reservations, and others.
United Arabian Emirates
Your exit from the Emirates might be denied if you are involved in legal proceedings, have any owing debt, are banned from travel, or similar.
As a British national, you may be denied to cross the local border points with Cambodia and Laos.
If you wish to visit other countries, despite Zimbabwe, you must get the document known as the Kaza Uni-Visa, to cost US $50. This is to allow you to cross between many countries as many times as you wish for 30 days. The Kaza Uni-Visa is valid for Zimbabwe, day trips to Botswana, Harare, Bulawayo, and Victoria Falls airports, and at the land borders at Victoria Falls (Zambian border) and Kazungula (Botswana border).
Health requirements
If you travel to some countries, in a few days from entering or at the borders, you may be required to undertake general or specific medical screening or tests.
The list of 8 countries requiring foreign visitors to undertake a medical checkup:
You need to undergo medical screening for Ebola if you enter there from Ebola-infected countries.
You will need to undertake a health screening at the borders, to examine whether you are infected with an infectious illness like Zika or other similar sicknesses.
You need to be tested for HIV only if you’re applying for an Egyptian work permit.
You must have a valid polio vaccination certificate if you are entering there from Israel, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Kenya, or Somalia.
You need to show you are not infected with HIV aids or hepatitis. You must undertake the needed blood tests within 10 days of entering there, except if you are a tourist visa traveler. You are required to repeat the test every 90 days for the period spent in this country.
Only if you are staying for more than 30 days. You have to pay 20 Jordanian Dinars to get the HIV health certificate.
You must have a valid polio vaccination certificate if you are leaving the country after having stayed there for more than 4 weeks.
You may be required to get screened for Screening for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) if entering Singapore after having traveled to the Middle East.
Travel Tips for UK Citizens Traveling Abroad
You must get well-informed and arrange for foreign travel. When you have the needed information and travel items, your chances for a safe and healthy trip get better. There are 50 million estimated annual visits abroad that British people make, and most of them are trouble-free. Yet, everyone should be responsible for their safety and activities while abroad. It’s well-advised that you don’t participate in activities that potentially represent any sort of danger.
- Research about the destination. Getting to understand your foreign destination well in advance, helps you better participate in living there out of endangerment. You are advised to gather relevant information and personal advice about your destination from confirmed sources and groups on social media. This takes account of the country’s customs, laws, political and security system, religion, health, public services, culture, sports social system, and more.
- Get an e-Passport if you’re traveling to the US. If you don’t already have an e-passport, you’ll not be able to benefit from the U.S. visa waiver program, so you’ll need to get a visa instead. It takes up to six weeks to get a UK e-passport.
- Check your passport’s validity period. Each world country has its requirements for the validity period of the foreign visitor’s passport, so be sure your passport validity meets such requirements.
- Get the correct visa. If you’re traveling to a foreign destination that requires you to have a visa beforehand, be sure you’re making the right visa application. The visa has to be compliant with the reason for traveling.
- Complete the emergency contact section in your passport. Putting your family or friend’s contact in your passport is important in case of an emergency case.
- Take the legal authorization for a child traveling with you. If you’re traveling with a child for whom you don’t have legal responsibility, contact the travel agency to see what the requirements in such a case are.
- Get covered by a travel insurance policy. You must have medical coverage for any health emergency during your visit. If you’re traveling within the EU or Switzerland you’ll need medical travel insurance. Your health insurance must be valid for the entire trip and everyone accompanying you. If you have a mental or other health condition, you have to know that standard health insurance policies don’t cover them. So make sure the health policy you get, covers full psychiatric and other specific medical care abroad.
- Know if you need to be vaccinated beforehand. Understand beforehand if the country you’re traveling to requires a prior vaccination or has medical requirements for visitors. Visit 4-6 weeks in advance a general practitioner or another health professional to seek medical advice for your destination. To do your research, use the following information leaflets: world immunization chart, world malaria risk chart, world schistosomiasis risk chart, Chagas disease.
- Leave aside some backup money. Despite the money you’ll need to cover your living and leisure costs, it’s well-advised to take with you or to have access to money that you may need in case of an emergency.
- Get to know if there are facilities for disabled people. If you’re a disabled person, you’re advised to get informed if the foreign country you’re visiting is accessible to disabled people.
- Know if the foreign country doesn’t discriminate against LGBT members. If you’re a member of the LGBT group, you should invest some time in researching if the country you’ve chosen does not discriminate against you based on your sexual orientation. Likewise, you must use advice and tips to keep safe as an LGBT while traveling abroad. Use also information and advice offered in International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association, International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association, Gay European Tourism Association, Equaldex.
- Get informed about the tropical cyclones. If you’re traveling towards areas of tropical cyclones or hurricanes, you have to know what the predictions about the upcoming cyclones are. If you intend to travel during cyclone periods, you have to make the needed preparations and information to prevent yourself from any eventual life-threatening situation.